

Import and Export of Banknotes and circulation coins (Nu)

June 3, 2024

12:07 PM

The Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan (RMA) hereby informs the general public that, as per Sections 7(c), (e), and (f) of the Foreign Exchange Rules and Regulations (FERR) 2022,  a person is permitted to carry Ngultrum banknotes /circulation coins subject to a limit of Nu 25,000/- when traveling into or out of Bhutan. 

A person wishing to carry Ngultrum Banknotes/circulation coins above the prescribed limit shall obtain clearance from the RMA by submitting a request application to the Executive Director of Foreign Exchange and Reserve Management, along with supporting documents to validate on the source of fund and purpose of use. Clearance will be issued subject to RMA’s assessments. Additionally, individuals must declare the excess amounts at the entry or exit points to the Department of Revenue and Customs (DRC) and the Royal Bhutan Police (RBP). 

If an individual is found carrying Ngultrum Banknotes/circulation coins above the prescribed limit without prior RMA clearance, the excess amount shall be confiscated by the relevant agency. 

RMA Management